Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Finding prime factors with Pollard's rho and Rabin-Miller algorithms in Python

Like I've said in a previous post, I have a thing for prime numbers.  Factoring falls along that same line.  After I while I thought it would be interesting to write some code to return the prime factors of an input number, mostly because I wanted to see how fast my old machine would able to do it.

I decided on Pollard's rho algorithm because it is easy to code and a whole lot faster than trial division.  This would also need a primality (or compositeness) test, so since I had already coded one for my prime number generator, I stuck with Rabin-Miller.  There are some trial divisions in there, but it's just to catch the small factors.

The hardest part of this, for me, was coming up with a way for Python to handle the list of intermediate factors.  The way it's coded works, but I am sure it could be done better.  That actually applies for the rest of it as well.  An earlier version of this tore though the 8th Fermat number in a reasonable amount of time, so this works for me.

Maybe I'll update this with a different factoring algorithm and significantly cleaner code as a follow-up project.

Here's the code:

import math
import random
import fractions


def removerepeats(alist):
    for element in alist:
        while alist.count(element)>1:

def milrabprimality(totest):

    if totest==1:
    if totest in smallprimes:
    for smtest in smallprimes:
        if totest%smtest==0 and totest!=smtest:
    while s%2==0:        #Figures out the seed and powers of two
    eventest=totest-1    #Make even -> eventest=(2^r)*s
    trials=10            #Change if you want to
    while agen<trials:          
        if newa not in a:  

    while trial1count<trials:        #Miller-Rabin test happens here
        #Part 1
        if res1==1:

        if part1==0:                #Only do this loop if part 1 was unsuccessful
            while twopow>=(0):
                if res2==(totest-1):
        if primecount!=0:
            return(-1)        #This ends it early since it has to pass for all a
        trial1count+=1        #increments the random base
    if totprime==trial1count:


def pollardwrapper(number):

    if milrabprimality(number)==1:        #Just return it if prime
    for factor in factors:
        if milrabprimality(factor)!=1:
    for element in nonprimefactors:

def pollardsrho(number):
    if number==1:
    if number==2:
    if number==3:
    if number==4:

    if prime==1:
    #Algorithm from the Crandall and Pomerance book

    while g==1:

        g=fractions.gcd((u-v),number)    #If g!=1 then g is a factor (unless it is equal to number).
        if g==number:                    #The bad seed case          
        if g!=1:
            return(g)    #End of algorithm

tofactor=int(input('\nWhat number do you want to factor? '))
print('The prime factors of ',tofactor,'are',pollardfactors)

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